
Sunday, January 14, 2018

Social and Personal News from the Beaufort News, Jan. 1, 1920

The Beaufort News, Thursday, Jan. 1, 1920


J.S. Duncan of Greensboro, who has been spending the holidays here on a visit to his mother, returned to Greensboro Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Wheatly spent the holidays with Mrs. Wheatley’s parents in Newport.

Jno. B. Respess of Washington was here this week on a visit to his brother, Judge K.J. Respess.

B.F. Perkins has been appointed census taker for Beaufort. The work of taking the census begins on the second day of January.

Rev. W.O. Hawkins, pastor of the colored Congregational churches in Burlington and Haw River, is here on a visit to his relatives. Rev. Hawkins is a native of Beaufort.

Buell Cooke of Norfolk spent the Christmas holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Cooke.
Jno. A. Royall Jr., who is a student at the University of North Carolina, spent the holidays with his parents at their place on North River.

Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Bell of Dover spent Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. D.S. Sanders.

L.L. Garner, who is a student of Oak Ridge Institute, was in Beaufort Monday. He is spending the holidays with his parents near Newport.

Chas. M. Talmade, formerly manager of the Virginia Carolina Farms Company and who made his home here for a while, is now located in Salem, Oregon, where he has gone into business. Mrs. Talmadge and little daughter Ruth are with Mr. Talmadge in Salem. They made quite a number of friends while they were located in Beaufort and it is a matter of general regret that they did not stay here permanently.

Wallace Willis of Sealevel passed through town Tuesday from a trip to New Bern.

Wm. H. Bell of Newport spent Monday here on business.

James Hutton of Minneapolis, Minn., spent the holidays here with his mother.

Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Small passed through Tuesday enroute to New Bern for a few days visit.

K.J. Respess and David Duncan went to New Bern Tuesday to attend the Shriners meeting there this week.

C.H. Bushall spent Wednesday in New Bern attending the Shriners meeting.

Misses Lutie Jones and Emily Duncan spent Wednesday in New Bern attending the Shriners meeting.

Miss Sallie Bushall, who has been in New York City for some time, is spending several days here with her parents.

D.E. Langdale went to Cedar Point yesterday on a duck shooting trip.

Miss Emma Hill of Marshallburg, who has been at Morehead City Hospital for several days being treated, passed through Beaufort Saturday very much improved.

Mrs. J.B. Hellen of Vanceboro, who has been visiting Mrs. C.W. Manson for several days, left this morning for her home

Sealevel News

John Franklin Hamilton, at the present time is engaged in the oyster business, will soon erect a large grocery store on the corner of the central and main highway just in the business section of the town.

Mr. and Mrs. Almon Hamilton of New Bern are spending the holidays with their parents.

Keeper and Mrs. Mitchell Hamilton returned to Portsmouth Friday after spending the holidays with their parents.

U.L. Rose left Friday for Morehead City, where he will place an order with a local auto dealer for a fine car, but I expect that it will rust out before he gets a chance to drive it on any county road.

Capt. W.H. Gaskill, bird of the sound, left Monday on his way to New Bern to carry the Oyster King a fine cargo of oysters.

A.B. Taylor has a smile that has about ruined his mouth since the stork left there a fine girl.

A very delightful party was given at the home of Mrs. D.J. Gaskill Christmas eve night. Quite a number of young people attended and they all report they had a very good time.

Mrs. M.A. Taylor and son returned Saturday after spending Christmas in New Bern with her husband.
Winstein Lewis of Beaufort is spending the week end here visiting friends.

Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Small left Monday for an extended visit up the state.

Miss Fannie Robinson left Monday for Pine Level to spend the week end with her uncle Rev. S.H. Styron.

W.R. Taylor, who attends college at Norfolk, Va., will leave Wednesday to resume his studies after spending the holidays with his parents.

Julian Gaskill will leave this week for Ayden to resume his studies after spending the holidays with his parents.

Fulford Hamilton has been awarded the position as general manager of Smalls large grocery store.

North River

Andrew Wade Oriental returned home Sunday after spending several days here with relatives.

Miss Neva Willis, who is teaching near Newport, spent the holidays here with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. George Collins of Wildwood spent the week here.

William Piner of Washington is here for a few days visit to his brother, E.W. Piner.

Mrs. Paul Beachem returned home Monday from Alliance where she was called at the death of her nephew.

Mrs. Chas. Smith and son of Beaufort spent the week here.

Charles, William and E.C. Duncan of Raleigh, who have been here for a few days, returned home Monday afternoon.

Marriage Licences

There was a considerable ringing of wedding bells around this part of the county during the Christmas holidays. Assistant Register of Deeds J.R. Jinnett issued marriage permits to the following couples:

Ivey Guthrie and Annie L. Delamar of Beaufort.

Jas. V. Caffrey and Bertie Lee Richardson of Beaufort.

D.J. Word of North Harlow and Lera Garner of Newport.

H.L. Taylor of New Bern and Sallie E. Wilson of Crisfield, Md.


On Christmas night, December 25th, Mr. Ivy Guthrie and Annie Delamar were united in marriage at the home of the bride on Marsh Street. The wedding was a quiet affair, only members of their families being present. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R.F. Bumpass. The young couple are both of this place and have a large circle of friends here.


Mrs. Loreno Richardson announces the marriage of her daughter, Bertie Lee, to Mr. James Vernon Caffrey Friday, December 26th, in Beaufort.

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