
Thursday, April 5, 2018

This Successful Hog Farmer Sold 65 Pigs in 1918

“George Hunt is Another of the Big Pig Raisers,” from the Monroe Journal, April 5, 1918
Mr. George Hart, son of Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Hart, is doing his part of keeping Union County supplied with hogs. On one of his farms about four miles west of here he has a 10-acre field devoted to nothing but hog-raising. He now has 22 pigs and 5 hogs. Last year he raised 65 pigs, selling them all while young. These hogs are mostly Duroc Jerseys.
He has the 10-acre field divided into two lots and turns them into one and then the other, thus securing a good groth for them all the time. In these lots he plants rye, clover, vetch and so forth. He always makes it a point to plant Abruzzie rye if he can secure the seed and says that Abruzzie rye will produce about six times more feed than the old South rye. He was unable to secure Abruzzi seed for planting both lots this year and so had to use the old seed. There is a noticeable difference in the two stands as they now show up.

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