
Friday, September 28, 2018

Building Permits Severely Restricted Until We Win the War, 1918

“Building Permits,” from the Daily Times, Hickory N.C., Sept. 27, 1918

W.F. Woodard, Chairman, Counsel of Defense
Dear Sir:

Herewith I am sending you Circular No. 21, relating to non-war construction. The effect of these regulations, promulgated by the War Industries Board, will be to prevent all construction work which is not absolutely essential. The North Carolina Council of Defense, upon request of the Government, is undertaking the enforcement of those regulations.

You are expected to see to it that no construction work is done in your county except by permit obtained upon application made under oath by the person interested in such construction. This application must be presented to you for your approval or disapproval. If you approve it, you will forward it to me with your reasons for approval endorsed thereon. If it is approved by the State Council of Defense, it will be forwarded to the War Industries Board at Washington for final consideration. If approved by this Board, a permit will be issued.

Please read the enclosed circular carefully and give notice to all supply men, as well as prospective builders, of these regulations and the formalities necessary for securing permits before work is begun. Give notice to corporations, firms, and individuals selling lumber, brick, cement, hardware, and all other building materials, to see to it that none of these supplies are sold except in compliance with these regulations. Manufacturers of building materials have pledged themselves not to supply materials for projects which are not authorized under the regulations of the War Industries Board.

These regulations are necessarily drastic and are intended to cut building operations to the quick. You are in touch with local building needs in your county and we must depend upon your good judgment to carry these regulations into effect. Make it your rule to disapprove every application unless you are convinced that the contemplated construction is necessary. Everything not absolutely essential must be sidetracked until we Win the War

Very truly yours,
Secretary, North Carolina Council of Defense.

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