
Friday, September 28, 2018

Joe Elliott Sherrill, U.S. Navy, Seriously Ill Spanish Flu; Other Military News, 1918

“Military News” from the Hickory Daily Record, Sept. 27, 1918

Private Sherrill Writes

Mr. B.P. Sherrill yesterday received a letter from his son, Private Truman Sherrill of B.E. 318, F.A., A.E.F., under date of August 30, in which he said that he was well and happy liked France fine. He says it is a fine country and the weather was very cool there.

Has Been at Front

Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Jones of Conover, Route 1, have received a letter from their son, Mr. Roy Jones, Co. D, United States engineers. The young man was well and doing fine when he wrote on August 21and had just returned from the front line trenches. He urged his parents not to worry about him, as he was as safe as soldiers possibly could be. He has received 10 letters from his parents so far and is always glad to hear from home.

Mr. Bumgarner Has Been Ill in France

Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Bumgarner have received several letters from their son, Private E.L. Bumgarner of Co. A, 323rd infantry in France. The last letter was dated August 31. He had been very sick, but was better when he wrote. He said that he occasionally got to talk to French soldiers from the front and that they seemed to think the war would be over before Christmas. He also said that he was anxious to get some mail as he had not received any since he arrived in France.

Joe Elliott Sherrill Ill in Philadelphia

Mr. J.D. Elliott left last evening for Philadelphia in response to a message from his daughter, Mrs. C.M. Sherrill, informing him that the condition of her son, Joe Elliott Sherrill, United States Navy, was serious. The young man is in the navy hospital at Philadelphia suffering from Spanish influenza. First news of his illness was received by his mother Wednesday and she left Wednesday evening to be with him. It is hoped that his condition will improve steadily and that he will soon be well again.

20 To Leave for Sevier on October 10

Official notice has been mailed to the following men to report at 3 o’clock October 9 to the local board for military service. They will be sent to Camp Sevier, S.C.
Perry Caldwell, Lincolnton
David P. Smith, Denver
Clarence Proctor, Reepsville, Rt. 1
Craig Correll, Reepsville, Rt. 1
John S. Angel, Newton, Rt. 1
John S. Angel, Newton, Rt. 3
Craig Killian, Newton
Fred L. Witherspoon, Claremont
Aubrey Conrad, Newton
Geo. R. Pope, Claremont, Rt. 2
Roby Lester Fray, Renolda
James C. Holler, Claremont
Wm. Carl Brotherton, Denver
Fred Floyd Rhoney, Hickory, Rt. 5
John Bryan Smyre, Hickory, Rt. 5
Robt. Lee Jones, Conover, Rt. 1
Murphy Bruce Whitener, Hickory
Ervin Miller Lutz, Henry, Rt. 2
Cecil John Drennan, Hickory
Heath Gabriel, Terrell
Edgar R. Kennedy, Cawba
Herbert O. Wheeler, Hickory, Rt. 5
Geo. Everette Long, Newton, Rt. 2
John A. Yont, Conover, Rt. 3
William McLawings, Maiden

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