
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Corp. Cleave Gross Writes Home From France, 1918

“Cleave S. Gross Writes from France,” in the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., Sept. 19, 1918

Dear Mother:
I will write you a few lines this evening as I’ve been thinking of you all day. I guess you have received several letters from us by this time, haven’t you? This is a fine day, and when I got those letters it brightened up everything still more.
I hope you will be strong and not bother about us for I would be ashamed to be home when at this time it seems that the freedom of the world is in the balances, but with that never ending stream of Americans pouring into France, the German line will break. Then I’m coming back to you, mother.
I hope that while James and I are in France what we do will be an honor to you. I haven’t been home sick yet but you know I would love to see you awful well. Mother, you won’t do lots of things that you once done when I get back, and that good spirit in which you always done things for all us boys, has directed my thoughts to you and God. I haven’t been sick since we were at home Christmas. Well, I won’t write any more for this time. Love to all,
Corporal Cleave S. Gross, Battery E, 113 F.A., A.E.F.

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