
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

News Items From Boone and Watauga County, Sept. 19, 1918

“Town and Country,” from the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., Sept. 19, 1918.

--Farmers in this section ae beginning to manufacture their cane and the sorghum crop promises to be most abundant. This “long sweetnin’” will certainly come in nicely during the sugar scarcity, which is sure to become more acute as the war advances. Of course sorghum cannot take the place of sugar in all instances, but a fine substitute it is in most instances.
--The recent dry and rather cool weather has been ideal for corn, and the crop is maturing beautifully. In fact much of the crop is being harvested in the western part of the county.
--The first car of freight to be shipped over the Boone extension of the Linville River Railroad and consigned to John W. Hodges was delivered from the Danner siding within four miles of Boon. They carried 50,000 pounds of fertilizer, which it occurs to us, was some load for a narrow gauge car. There is now some delay in the work, owing to deferred shipments of steel, and the cross ties for the remainder of the road have not yet all been gotten out However, it is comforting to know that within four miles of Boone we now have railroad facilities, with the line being extended to the depot site here just as fast as materials can be procured, the grades, trestles, etc., having been completed.
--“The War Savings Stamp Drive is going on pretty well,” says Chairman Dougherty. The school teachers in the west now have the matter in charge. An organization will be made in the east. Every family will be called upon to do its part. There should be no hesitation about it. Mr. B.J. Councill and County Superintendent Hagaman have joined the Limit Club, taking $1,000 each.”
--Mrs. N.L. Mast was indeed a very pleasant caller at our office Monday afternoon. Her soldier son, Tom, now of Camp Crane, Allentown, Penn., spent a five-days furlough with the family last week, and it goes without saying that the young volunteer’s visit to his loved ones at home, the first since his enlistment some four months ago, was enjoyed to the fullest. The young man left on his return to camp early Saturday morning.
--Mr. Walter Shores of Elk Park is looking out a site for a $10,000 wood-working plant at some convenient point on the railroad near town. And yesterday two men (we were unable to get their names) were here looking after the location of an extract plant here. This sounds good for Boone as these two enterprises alone would bring a considerable pay-roll to our community. Indeed, at last after all these years of waiting, the eyes of the public are on this villa in the hills, and it is up to our people to see that each and every enterprise gets all the encouragement possible when they seek locations among us.
Dr. Robert Casey, a member of the Naval Reserve, but ow completing his dental education in an Atlanta college, was among friends and former school mates in Boone Tuesday. Casey is an A.T.S. boy, and has many friends here who were glad to see him.
--Mr. B.B. Dougherty has just returned from a meeting of the food administrators at Asheville. He reports a great meeting. Buy less, use less will be the slogan for the United States and all the Allied nations for the next year. The sugar situation is acute.
--Mr. Fred Farthing who spent a part of his vacation at his home near town left Tuesday on his return to Chapel Hill, where he will resume his studies in the medical department.
--Mr. T.F. Greer has bought the Nathan Horton farm lying contiguous to his lands on New River, which taken together, makes one of the most valuable farms in that beautiful section.
--Mr. James Carter of Adams and Miss Ottie, the vivacious daughter of Mr. Will Hodges of Shulls Mills, R.F.D., were happily married on Friday night last, the Rev. Ed Hodges tying the knot that made two hearts beat as one. The young people are popular in their respective communities. The Democrat extends congratulations.
--Sheriff Moody delivered to the army post at Charlotte last Monday Watauga’s last deserter, Ivory Green, son of Lindsay Green of Stony Fork, being the unfortunate young man. His case has been quite an aggravated one, several attempts having been made by the sheriff to affect an arrest, but to no avail. The last visit he made there, he met with some violent resistance, which resulted later in the binding over to the Federal Court of the father and two daughters under a charge of resisting officers while in the discharge of their duties. The young deserter seems to be in the toils good and strong, and just what disposition will be made of his case remains to be seen.
--Chairman of the Watauga County Chapter, A.R.C. R.C. Rivers is to collect a minimum of 607 pounds of clothing for the suffering Belgians. “Let each auxiliary get busy now and I feel sure we will succeed. Any good, serviceable and comfortable clothes for men, women or children are winated but light, flimsy or worn out garments will not be accepted. Get up your box and send it in to the Red Cross rooms just as early as possible.”
--Just as we are finishing the composition for this paper, we receive the sad intelligence that Mr. Grover Reese, son of Mr. and Mrs. Welbourne Reese, died at his home in the Beaver Dam section on Tuesday, appendicitis being the cause of his death. Mr. Reese was young and strong, and was in the village recently enjoying the best of health. He leaves a young family who, with the heart-broken parents, have our deep sympathy in their great bereavement.
--We hear, with genuine sorrow of the death of young Hal, the 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Job Blair, which occurred at their home at Elizabethton, Tenn., on Thursday of last week, after a protracted illness with typhoid fever. The funeral was conducted from the home Saturday, Mr. Floyd Ward and probably other relatives from Watauga being present. The family moved from Brushy Fork less than a year ago, and the parents have the sympathy of all their friends in their native county in these their dark hours.

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