
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

I Do Not Think We Will Be Over Here Very Long, Writes John McCraw, 1918

Letter from John B. McCraw to his father, Mr. J.W. McCraw of Round Peak, as published in the Mount Airy News, September 26, 1918

American Expeditionary Forces
August 21

Dear Father and Mother

I am somewhere in England now and am enjoying life. We arrived over sea all right and had a very good time on our voyage. I like this country fine. It is a very fine country and will please any one. They have the most finished country that you ever saw. They are behind in many respects compared with the United States. But their farming is far ahead of what you see in the States. Their buildings are all alike and made of stone or brick. Everything is now green and pretty.

I do not begrudge my trip over, for none of my trips out west were as interesting as this one has been. I do not think that we will be over here so very long, for we will soon whip the Huns and you would think same if you could see as much of the United States forces as I have seen. I will close for this time. Write me as often as you can.

Your son,
J.B. McCraw

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