
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Abner Deatherage Write of Experiences in Boot Camp, 1918

Letter from Abner Deatherage to his father, Peter Deatherage of Mt. Airy, as published in the Mount Airy News, September 26, 1918

Thursday Morning

Dear Papa and all

Just a line to let you hear from me. This leaves me feeling fine and hope same to find you well.

Am liking better every day. Took my physical examination yesterday. About 20 doctors examined me and I passed them all. Also was vaccinated on both arms and will have to be again next Wednesday and again the following Wednesday. We get three shots as they call it here. Am off duty 48 hours on account of same and my arms are sore now. Am quarantined for two weeks.

Took out $10,000 insurance for Stella which cost $6.50 each month. Allotted $15 of my salary to her and she will get $30 each month.

Had to give a general description of my business experience, and when he made a record—and same was examined by one of the higher officials he said I need not be afraid I would get a good job.

Since I began writing this letter I was called over to one of the officers and had to be re-examined on one of the physical examinations I took yesterday, then they will put me in an office or wherever there is an opening I can fill
Had a fine dinner tonight, and believe me I’m tight.

Will get my uniform tomorrow or the next day.

This military service is a great education to any boy, and if we get out safe, which I don’t doubt in the least, we will be better fit for life in every respect. You don’t see any down-hearted men here—except a few new ones. There are about 65,000 men here and they are shipping them every day. If I get in an office, I will be allowed six months here, then if I have to go over they will give me something besides a gun, for one in an office don’t get any training with a gun.

Will close, write at your convenience. With much love and best wishes, I am

Your boy,

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