
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

We Hope It Will Soon Be Over, Jesse Isaacs Writes from Belgium, 1918

Letter from Jesse Isaacs in France to his mother, Mrs. Margaret Isaacs, Dobson, N.C., as published in the Mount Airy News, September 26, 1918

Aug. 5, 1918

Dear Mamma and Papa

Will write you all a few lines in answer to your letter received Aug. 2nd, was glad to hear from you all and to hear you all was well this leaves me well and enjoying good health.

What do you think about the war? We hope it will soon be over. We have left France and are now in Belgium. Would like to tell you how everything is but can’t now. Hope to soon be back and then I can tell you the wonderful story which I could not explain with pen and paper. Well I had the pleasure of seeing a German airplane brought down a few days ago. That is about all I can say about the war.

Was glad to hear you had good crops, was sorry to hear of the two deaths. Tell Walter B’s people that he was well the last time I saw him. The way you addressed your letter was all O.K. I have changed companies and it will be like this Supply Co. 118, Inf. A.P.O. 749, American E.F., via New York, and will get it all O.K. I will get it addressed the other way like you addressed yours, but I will get it quicker this way. Give my best regards to and tell Minnie I will answer her letter in a few days.

Good Bye,
Jesse Isaacs

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