
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Letters Home from William Leftwich at Camp Jackson, Claude Needham in France, 1918

Letter from Wm. B. Leftwich at Camp Jackson to his father, N.R. Leftwich of Ladonia, N.C.

Sept. 16th, 1918

My dear Parents

Your welcome letter of 13th just received and I was very glad indeed to hear from you.

I am well and liking fine, there is no reason we should not like, for Uncle Sam has the best paid, and supplied army in the world. Our rations are extra good and well prepared.

Dewitt Sparger is one of the cooks for our Battery.

Camp Jackson is situated about six miles North West of Columbia, S.C. and is one of the largest and best camps in the South, extending nearly two miles in length and varying in bredth from one-half to one and one half miles. Boys are trained here for nearly every branch of the service. There is a small aviation field here.

The Y.M.C.A. is doing wonderful work here and in all camps. They furnish nearly all comforts we need that are not issued by the Government, such as stationery, books and most any kind of amusement we want. If the home folks knew how much real value they were to the boys, the funds would be larger, I’m sure.

The boys have to stand a very rigid examination physically and mentally before they are sent to the Artillery, and when they find one a little weak or slow they send him back to the Infantry or “The dough boys” as we call them.

Hoping to hear from you soon and often, I close

Your loving son,
Pvt. Wm. B. Leftwich

Letter from Claude E. Needham to his wife who lives near Pilot Mountain

Somewhere in France

Dear Wife

Will take great pleasure in writing you this afternoon.

I am feeling fine having plenty to eat and a good place to sleep.

This is a beautiful country but is much different from ours. Two of the hardest things for me to understand is the money and language. I wish I could speak French. I want you to write me all the news and tell me how all my people are getting along.

I don’t think I will have to stay over long so enjoy yourself and trouble as little as you can.
Will close hoping this will find you all well.

Your husband,
Claude E. Needham

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