
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

New Enemy Begins Its Attack, At Home and Abroad, 1918

 “Spanish Influenza and Its Treatment,” from the Mount Airy News, September 26, 1918

Discussing the outbreak of Spanish Influenza in this country, Surgeon General Blue says:

“The disease is characterized by sudden onset. People are stricken on the streets, while at work in factories, shipyards, offices, or elsewhere. First there is a chill, then fever with temperature from 101 to 103, headache, backache, reddening and running of the eyes, pains and aches all over the body and general prostration. Persons so attacked should go to their homes at once, get to bed without delay and immediately call a physician.

“Treatment under direction of the physician is simple but important consisting principally of rest in bed, fresh air, abundant food, with Dover’s Powder for the relief of pain. Every case with a fever should be regarded as serious and kept in bed at least until temperature becomes normal. 

Convalescence requires careful management to avoid serious complications, such as bronchial pneumonia, which not infrequently may have fatal termination. During the present outbreak in foreign countries the salts of quinine and aspirin have been most generally used during the acute attack, the aspirin apparently with much success in the relief of symptoms.”

Because the last epidemic of influenza occurred more than 25 years ago, physicians who began to practice medicine since 1892 have not had personal experience in handling a situation now spreading throughout a considerable part of the foreign world and already appearing to some extent in the United States. For that reason Dr. Blue is issuing a special bulletin for all medical men who send for it.

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