
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sad News Received of Death of Lt. James A. Moseley, 1918

From the Roanoke News, Sept 26, 1918
News has just been received by friends in Raleigh of the death in action in France of First Lieutenant James A. Moseley of Company C. 166th Regiment, on July 26th.
Lieut. Moseley was a native of Raleigh but has lived in New Jersey for some years past. He was 24 years of age. His father, the late James A. Moseley, was engaged in business here for some time. Materinally Lieut. Moseley was a grandson of the distinguished lawyer Hon. Edward Conigland of Halifax County.
Lieut. Moseley is survived by his mother, no residing at Glen Ridge, N.J. Her many friends in North Carolina will here of her great loss with sincere regret.—News and Observer
Lieut. Moseley is a son of the former Miss Annie Conigland who was at one time a resident of Weldon and is pleasantly remembered by some of our citizens.

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