
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Influenza Epidemic Spread to 26 States, Including North Carolina, and Is in Army Camps, 1918

“Epidemic of Influenza,” from The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Sept. 26, 1918
The Malady Has Spread Over the Country Rapidly and Has Made Its Appearance in 26 States
Spanish influenza has spread over the country to rapidly that officials of the public health service, the War and Navy departments and the Red Cross conferred in Washington yesterday on measures to help local committees in combatting the disease. Calls for assistance already have been received from several cities and in one instance, Wilmington, N.C., the public health service hospital was opened for treatment of persons suffering with the disease.
The malady has made its appearance in 26 states, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. In New England, where the disease first made its appearance, officials are considering drastic steps to curb its spread, including the prevention of public gatherings. East of the Mississippi there are few States where the disease has not been found.
New cases reported from Army camps yesterday numbered 5,324, the largest in any one day, bringing the total for all camps to 29,002 cases. The number of pneumonia cases reported among the soldiers since the outbreak of the influenza epidemic September 13 is 2,313, and the number of deaths since that date is 580.

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