
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Local News From The Monroe Journal, Sept. 11, 1917

“Local and Personal” from The Monroe Journal, Sept. 11, 1917

Rev. E.C. Snider began a week’s meeting at West Monroe last night. Services will be held each night at 7:30.
Mrs. Ella Lindsey has had her name changed by order of court to Mrs. Ella Houston.
The Junior Class of the Wingate High School was organized last Friday. Officers were elected as follows: President, Mr. Paul Bennette; vice president, Miss Wilma Duncan; secretary, Miss Mae Austin; treasurer, Mr. Roy Laney; sensor, Mr. Tom Baker. There are 28 enthusiastic members of this class.
Mr. J. Bundy Haywood who is a member of the American Red Cross Ambulance Co. No. 46, Richmond chapter, is visiting friends and relatives in West Monroe. He expects to leave for France in about two months.
Mr. W. Butler Plyler, a brother of Mr. J.D.S. Plyler, died Saturday night at Newark, Ohio, where he had been making his home for the past 10 or 12 years. Mr. Plyler married a sister of Mrs. M.C. Long and they have several children. The death was sudden and no particulars have been learned. Mr. J.D.S. Plyler left last night to attend the funeral.
Mr. L.M. Query of Aberdeen has accepted a position as book-keeper for the Co-Operative Mercantile Co. He will move his family here soon.
Mr. J. Vernon Griffin, son of Mr. John Q. Griffin of East MonroeTownship, was carried to a Charlotte hospital last night for an operation for appendicitis.
Bob May has bought a Ford, and a new one at that. He hasn’t learned to drive yet, but sdayis he aims to learn and keep that car for the purpose of pulling other cars out of ditches.
Mr. J.L. Everett, who sought to enter the officers’ training camp at Ft. Ogelthorpe, has returned home after a week’s preliminary drilling. He failed to get in because he was underweight.
Lieut. Leslie Futch, who recently graduated from West Point, is giving a few of the new young men military training each night around the square. The following have signed up for the training: Messrs. W.B. Stevens, A.A. Levy, Grier Robinson, Fred Leggett, James Basinger, Graham Howie, Allen Lee, L.E. Sutton, H.G. Doster, J.W. Love, Joe Privett, A.W. McCall, Roy Hill, Ray Krauss, C.N. Gordon, H.H. Blair, Amos Stack, Marvin Whitfield, W.C. Sanders, Emmett McLelland, H.F. Maness, S.C. Barden and Jenning Boger.
Alf Cuthbertson, alias Alford Covington, colored, of Monroe Township, was brought before United States Commissioner M.L. Flow yesterday by Deputy Marshall E.S. Williams on the charge of failure to register June 5. He was compelled to register, and bound over to the next term of Federal court. He gave no reason for not registering.
The first indictment for violation of the Webb-Kenyon Act from this county went on record yesterday when Ernest Hodge, colored, was given a hearing before Esq. Flow on the charge of bring liquor into the State. He was bound over to Federal court. Hodge, who is a railroad hand, is said to have been bringing whiskey and beer in through the railroad.
Mrs. Sarah M. Helms, wife of Mr. Mack Helms, was born on June 29, 1849, and died September 9, 1917. Left to mourn her death are her husband and 10 children. There are six sons and four daughters, there is also one brother, Mr. Thomas Price, and one sister, Mrs. Joe Baucom, and numerous grandchildren. The children are Mrs. J.C. Griffin of Matthews, Mrs. J.C. Turner of Buford, Mrs. J.C. Sneed of Lanes Creek, Miss Lettie Helms, H.M., M.R., J.L., J.A., C.J., and W.C. Helms. Funeral services were held at Philadelphia and conducted by Rev. R.W. Haigler.
Miss Mary Griffin, Miss Ethel Webb, Miss Elizabeth Boyd, and Miss Helen Stuart Wray passed the State Examination for Teachers held July 10th, 11th, and 12th, according to R.N. Nisbet, county superintendent.
Mr. J.L. Winchester who has been with Mr. Lee Griffin for some time, has accepted a position with Messrs. J.C. Smith Co.
Messrs. Tom and Sam Lee and Charles Bundy left this morning for Trinity College.
Miss Grace Benton left Sunday for Hamlet where she has accepted a positon as music teacher in the Hamlet graded school.
Messrs. Francis Laney and Robert Morrow left Sunday for Atlanta, where they will enter Georgia Military Academy.
Miss Eleanor Gurney left for Flora Macdonald College on Monday morning, to enter upon her senior year.
Miss Martha Lockhart left today to enter Davenport College.
Misses Mary Hazel Long, Kate Copple and Eleanor Beasley have gone to Raleigh to enter Meredith College.
Misses Grace Henderson and Viola Hart left this morning for Flora Macdonald College.
The following young ladies of Monroe are leaving today and tomorrow for State Normal at Greensboro: Misses Carson Yates, Mary Benton, Isabelle Secrest, Ethel Boyte, Sadie Bundy, Blanche Howie, Annie Bernard Benson, Martha Blakeney, Alice Presson and Mary Gordon.
Mr. R.C. Clontz, who has lately returned from working at Petersburg, leaves tomorrow for Davidson where he enters as a ministerial student. He was a student at Rutherford College last year.
Mr. A.A. Scales left this morning on a business trip to Durham and Chapel Hill.
Purely Personal
Mr. Raeford Gaffney of Gaffney is visiting Mrs. J.F. Laney.
Mr. Harvey Terry of Laurens, S.C., spent Saturday and Sunday here with relatives and friends.
Mrs. H.T. Pate is visiting relatives in Valdosta, Ga.
Mrs. W.J. Hudson is visiting her son, Lieutenant Mike Hudson of Norfolk and returning, will spend some days with her sons in Raleigh.
Mrs. Mary Phifer Pound of Grainsville, Fla., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. Redfearn.
Mrs. L.C. Cuthbertson, who has been spending some time with her daughter is Durham, is visiting her grandson, Mr. P.H. Johnson.
Mrs. W.W. Guess and children and Mrs. Sue Hough have returned from visiting relatives to Charleston. They will leave that city in a few days and make their home in Raleigh.
Mrs. T.M. Murray left this morning for her home in Walterboro, S.C., after a month’s visit to her daughter, Mrs. J.D. Warren.
Mr. Ernest Shields of Atlanta is spending a few days with his aunt, Mrs. R.J. McIlwaine.
Mrs. R.M. Tate and daughter, Miss Mary Tate of New Orleans are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Lane.
Miss May Williams of Charlotte is spending a few days with Mrs. R.H. Garren.
Miss Norma Bell spent the week-end in Charlotte.
Mr. Guy Nelson of Baltimore spent Sunday and Monday here with friends.
Mrs. Louis Couch, after a visit to relatives, has returned to her home in Hopewell, Va.
Mrs. Fletcher and Mr. Craig Married
Of interest to many friends in Charlotte and in Monroe was the marriage Saturday evening of Mrs. Netta Ramsey Fletcher of 325 Graham Terrace, Charlotte, and Lieut. Thos. J. Craig, of Monroe. The ceremony was performed at the home of Mrs. Fletcher and her son, John C. Fletcher. Rev. Dr. W.M. Vines, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiated.
Mrs. Fletcher formerly resided in Monroe, and it was there she and Lieut. Craig knew each other. Lieut. Craig registered from Durham. He goes to France soon. He is a son of Rev. Braxton Craig.

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