
Monday, September 17, 2018

Privates Nash, Atwood, Benson, Allred Wounded Severely; Matthews Missing in Action, 1918

“Today’s Casualty List,” in the Hickory Daily Record, September 17, 1918

Washington, Sept. 17--
Killed in action, 28
Missing in action, 166
Wounded severely, 109
Died of disease, 6
Died of wounds, 9
Wounded, degree undetermined, 17
Wounded slightly, 3
Prisoner, 4
Died from accident and other causes, 1
Wounded Severely
Private Bert L. Nash of Othello
Private Jesse Atwood of Concord
Private Donald Benson of Selma
Daniel W. Allred of Randleman
Missing in Action
William H. Matthews of Kipling

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