
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Rev. Bethea Receives Letter from Major J.A. Bethea, 1918

“Letter from Major Bethea,” from in the Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., September 18, 1918
The following letter has been received by Rev. Bethea from his brother who is Field Officer in France:
Aug. 18, 1918
I am now living in the most beautiful Chateau I have had yet. It is hundreds of years old and quite famous in history. The yards, parks and lakes, etc., around it are lovely beyond description.
I am rooming with Major Maes and Major Faxton, the latter commands one of my companies. We have a room about as large as the two large front rooms at home including the hall. It has the old curtains and furniture of its palmy days.
I am now going to take a long trip in a new part of the country tomorrow; will take Maes with me and we are planning to have a nice time of it.
With love, J.A. Bethea

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