
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

William Horton, Killed at the Front in France, Was from Greene County, 1918

“William Horton Lived in Greene County,” from The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Sept. 25, 1918

We announced in the Times yesterday that William H. Horton, who was killed on the front in France, was from Wilson county after having secured at that time information which led us to believe that the statement was correct. Since that time we learned that he was a resident of Greene county. Our sympathy is extended just the same to his bereaved and widowed mother who has the support of the heavenly Father who doeth all things well and the further sustaining assurance that her boy gave his life for his country and his fellow men, the highest and the best service that he could render. Therefore, his name is numbered among the immortal to shine forevermore.

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