
Monday, September 24, 2018

Lt. Elliot Clark, Formerly of Scotland Neck, Died of Wounds, 1918

“Elliot Clark Died of Wounds,” from the front page of The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Tuesday, Sept. 24, 1918
North Carolina contributes five men to the 269 that were reported in the three casualty lists today by the army and navy.
Among the North Carolina men lost, the name of Lieut. Elliott B. Clark of Weldon, appears as having died of wounds. This is a very sad matter since his relatives and friends were led to believe, after it was found out that he was not killed, as first reported, that he was but slightly wounded so that this news comes as a distinct shock to many.
The other state losses were Lieut. James B. Gurney of Charlotte, killed in action, as were Sergeants Wallace Green of Eure and Herbert L. Payne of Charlotte, and Corporal Lorn F. Mason of Wilmington.
Total losses show 122 killed in action; 34 missing in action; 70 wounded severely; 22 died of wounds; 3 died of accident; 5 died of disease; 4 wounded to a degree undetermined; 2 wounded slightly; 1 died of aeroplane accident; and 6 prisoners.

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