
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Judge Harding, Col. MacComb Welcome 92 New Citizens at Camp Greene, Nov. 23, 1918

From The Caduceus, Camp Greene, Charlotte, N.C., Nov. 23, 1918

Former Aliens Greeted by Carolina Judge

‘You are now sovereigns,” said Judge W.F. Harding of the North Carolina superior court bench, in addressing 92 soldiers of Camp Greene who had just been naturalized Monday morning at Y.M.C.A. hut 104.

“When you denounced your obligations to the crowned rulers of other kingdoms and took the oath of allegiance to the United States you were changed from subjects to sovereigns.”

“President Wilson is not the ruler over the people of this land, he is their servant. The only aristocracy we recognize here is that of honesty and efficiency. The only upper class we know is that of the men who are willing to do a full day’s work and who will pay 100 cents on the dollar when they owe a debt. For all who will accept our standards we open the door marked ‘Welcome.’”

Judge Harding was rousingly cheered as was Colonel A.C. MacComb, Camp Greene commander, who also addressed the soldiers.

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