
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Thomas Gardner Working Full Time for Free at Camp Greene, 1918

From The Caduceus, Camp Greene, Charlotte, N.C., Nov. 23, 1918. There’s a good photograph of Thomas D. Gardner on the web at From The Caduceus, Camp Greene, Charlotte, N.C., Nov. 23, 1918

Thomas D. Gardner Has Helped Camp Since June

Without a cent of pay Thomas D. Gardner has given his services as head of the Red Cross organization of Camp Greene since the first of last July. By his untiring efforts to aid the medical work and to help individuals who seek information from the Red Cross he has made himself one of the most highly respected men in the camp. It was largely through the efforts of Thomas D. Gardner that the Red Cross building was obtained for the base hospital.

The home of Thomas Gardner is in Quincey, Illinois. He had retired from the practice of dentistry when the war broke out and he felt called upon to give his service for humanity. He came to Camp Greene on July 1. He had volunteered for overseas service and was to have gone with Evacuation Hospital No. 30 as soon as he could be relieved here, but the end of the war has stopped short all such plans.

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