
Monday, November 12, 2018

Lumberton's Peace Celebration on Nov. 11, 1918

“Peace Celebration” from The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Nov. 11, 1918

A peace celebration will be held at the court house this evening at 7:30. The United War Work meeting mentioned elsewhere in this issue will take the form of a peace celebration and thanksgiving meeting.

News of the signing of the armistice, the cessation of hostilities and the coming of peace was taken quietly here this morning, but at noon a demonstration was started by the prolonged blowing of the fire whistle. Soon the fire truck was racing about the streets, draped with a large banner advertising the peace celebration for this evening and sounding the siren.

Other whistles and bells joined in, autos rushed about blowing their horns, and for half an hour or more there was a perfect bedlam of noises. Many marched about the streets carrying U.S. flags. Children took an active part in the demonstration. This impromptu celebration will be followed this evening by one in which the entire population of the town is asked to come together for an expression of thanksgiving.

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