
Monday, November 12, 2018

Obituaries in Lumberton Newspaper Nov. 11, 1918

“The Record of Deaths” from The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Nov. 11, 1918

Two Children of J.W. and Florrie Jane Hunt

Rennert, Rt. 1, Nov. 7—Two Indian children, daughter and son of J.W. and Florrie Jane Hunt, died in this neighborhood some two weeks ago. The daughter, Strawdie Hunt, died Oct. 24 at 6 p.m. of influenza-pneumonia. She was 9 years and 11 months old. The boy, Buck Hunt, 15 years and 7 months old, died the same night of the same disease.

The remains of both were buried at the same time in the family burying ground near Rennert.

Mrs. Lattie Rice

Mrs. Lattie Rice of Rt. 4, Lumberton, died Thursday night of influenza-pneumonia. Interment was made Friday at 4 p.m. Deceased is survived by two small children, her husband having died of the same disease a week ago.

Mrs. Nancy Barnes—Oldest Person in Robeson

Mrs. Nancy Barnes died Friday at the home of Mr. D.R. Rhodes near Orrum, with whom she lived. Deceased was born January 26, 1805, and was in her 114th year. Mrs. Barnes was the oldest person in Robeson and probably in the State.

The funeral was conducted at the grave Saturday at 10 a.m. by Rev. R.A. Hedgepeth, pastor of Bloomingdale Baptist church, of which the deceased was a member.

Preston Pope Pate

Preston Pope Pate, 10-days-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pate of Lumberton, Rt. 7, died Friday.

“Aunt” Mary Pope Passes

“Aunt” Mary Pope, colored, aged about 90 years, died Friday night. Aunt Mary belonged to the late Jno. T. Pope of Britt township during the time of slavery and after she was freed she refused to leave her master. She lived with Mr. Pope until his death and then lived with Mrs. J.A. McAllister, a daughter of Mr. Pope, until her death a few years ago. Since that time Mrs. McAllister’s sons have taken care of her. Interment was made beside the graves of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Pope in the McMillan cemetery Saturday afternoon.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.H. Hayswoods, colored. Messrs. H.M., W.P., A.P., Jno. D. and C.P. McAllister, sons of the late Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McAllister, and Sheriff R.E. Lewis served as pall-bearers.

Aunt Mary was a darkey of the ante-bellum type and was what is known as a “white folks’ negro.” She was admired by all who knew her.

R.E.L. Brown of Chadbourn Passes

R.E.L. Brown, a prominent business man of Chadbourn, Columbus county, died Thursday evening in a hospital at Columbia, S.C., following an operation of just a week before. He had been a sufferer for a long time with liver complications. The remains were interred at Chadbourn Friday afternoon. Deceased is survived by his wife, two sons, Paul H. and R.E.L. Jr., both of whom are students at Davidson college; one daughter, Miss Alice Lee; a sister, Mrs. J.T. Newland of Winter Park near Wilmington; and one brother, Mr. J.A Brown of Chadbourn. He was about 50 years old, a former chairman of the Columbus county board of commissioners and largely responsible for building the new court house at Chadbourn and the system of public roads inaugurated by Columbus a few years ago.

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