
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Flu Situation in Rockingham: Schools, Churches, Picture Shows Remain Closed, Dec. 12, 1918

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 12, 1918

Flu Situation

On Tuesday of last week practically a dozen cases of influenza broke out in the city. Since that time approximately 40 cases have appeared, making the total not over 52. Of this number eight cases occurred in the past two days, six of them among the colored population.

One death has occurred in town from it, that of B.C. Phillips Tuesday night. So far there is but one case of pneumonia from it, Mrs. Boyd Gasque.

The schools are closed and services in the churches temporarily suspended. Also the picture show is closed.

There is no prospect of a town quarantine, each residence being quarantined instead. In some way a report was circulated over the county Saturday that the town would be quarantined on Monday, but this was untrue. The cases appear to be of a mile form, compared with the epidemic that swept the county in October, so there is no reason for undue alarm.

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