
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Letters from Neal Chappell and Hollie McDonald in Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 12, 1918

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 12, 1918

Letters from Soldiers

Mr. J.W. Jenkins has given the Post-Dispatch two letters from soldier-boys in France, one from Neal Chappell and one from Hollie McDonald. We are taking the following extracts from them:

Neal Chappell

Nov. 6th—Have been getting along fine over here; am well fed and treated right. Things are surely going our way now; looks like we must win before many days pass.

Well, when I came over, we came across England, and just after reaching France I got sick and was kept in a British hospital for two weeks. The nurses were more than kind; but before I left the hospital, the Huns tried to bomb it. After getting well, I rejoined my company in Belgium, where we staid two months. We could hear the big guns roar, see daily aeroplane flights overhead, and fully realize that this was WAR. We all hope the end will be soon, so that we can come home. Give my best to my friends. I think of them often. Your friend, Neal Chappell, 105 Supply Train, Headquarters Co.

Hollie McDonald

Nov. 4th—Wish I could be at home but we have not yet quite finished our job. But whe have been getting our part of the Huns. His famous line (Hindenburg) did not hold when we went against it. We went through it like a rabbit going through a field. I had some pretty close calls; got holes shot through my coat by machine gun bullets but that didn’t stop me. But one of his gas did, though for only a short time. Had to stay in a hospital for a week from gas, but when we go in line again somebody will have to pay! We are out for a rest and today and tomorrow are Field Days with us; we will have all kinds of sports, horse racing, wrestling, boxing, jumping, etc. Does feel good to get behind the lines out of reach Jerry’s guns; he sure does send over big ones. Tell the boys at home they ought to come over; the water is fine. Guess you folks will be thinking of Christmas. Have a Jerry helmet for you. Wonder if M.L. Tucker is in the service yet? Haven’t received any answers to my letters to him. Well, it is chow time, so I will close. Hollie McDonald

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