
Friday, December 28, 2018

Half a Million U.S. Soldiers Already Demobilized, Dec. 28, 1918

From the Hickory Daily Record, Saturday, Dec. 28, 1918

Demobilization Is Proceeding Rapidly

By the Associated Press

Washington, Dec. 28—More than 1,100,000 American soldiers at home and abroad have been designated for demobilization since the armistice was signed. General March gave the figures today as 937,000 men in home units to be discharged and 168,000 an 6,800 officers assigned by General Pershing for early convoy home from France.

This includes men already discharged and those who have already landed from France. To date the figures show 533,334 men and 35,409 officers actually discharged. Complete reports for the week just ended are expect to raise the total to at least 100,000.

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