
Friday, December 28, 2018

If Flu Doesn't Worsen, Hickory Schools to Reopen First Monday in 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, Saturday, Dec. 28, 1918

Schools to Open Week from Monday

Unless the influenza situation grows worse, the city schools will reopen on Monday, January 6. This has not been definitely determined, but it is generally agreed that the schools may resume work on that date.

Although there are a few cases reported in Hickory, there are not nearly as many as a few weeks ago, and it is believed the disease is gradually disappearing. In the last few days some cases have developed, but medical men expect the flu to remain all the winter, though not in as severe a form as earlier in the season.

It is hoped that when the schools reopen, there will be nothing to prevent their continuous session for four or five months.

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