
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Pvt. Glenn Lippard Says Must Have Been Another Soldier Who Was Wounded, He's Fine, 1918

From the Hickory Daily Record, Dec. 21, 1918

Reported Wounded, Glenn Lippard Says He Is Well

Under date of December 12 Mrs. Martha Lippard received a telegram from the adjutant general’s office in Washington informing her that it was officially reported that her son, Private Glenn Lippard, was severely wounded in action on October 10. The young man himself wrote on November 27 that he was well and had not received a scratch. A mistake was made somewhere, but it was some other soldier who was wounded and not Mrs. Lippard’s son.

Private Lippard reported that Ottis Douglass had been wounded, how seriously he had not learned, and that he had seen several fine fellows knocked over. The young man thought it would not be long until he returned home.

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