
Sunday, December 23, 2018

Rev. and Mrs. Snow Learn Their Son Died in France, Dec. 19, 1918

From the Mount Airy News, Dec. 19, 1918

Mount Airy Man Passes in France

Roy Snow has paid the supreme price and died with his face toward the enemy, is the whole story that has come up to this time to Rev. and Mrs. Joe Snow of this city, about the death of their son. A letter from another son, Lieut. Geo. Snow, brings the news of the death of Roy. He was a bright man and well prepared for life. He had spent two years at Trinity College and was a young man of good appearance and address and made friends wherever he was known. When the war came he was among the first to go to the front and was in some of the hardest fighting in the month of October. His officer is quoted as saying that “a better soldier never faced an enemy.”

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