
Sunday, December 23, 2018

Flu Continues Deadly Rounds Taking Newly Wed and a 7-Year-Old Child, 1918

From the Mount Airy News, Dec. 19, 1918

Mt. Airy Route 1 News

There is quite a lot of sickness in this community at this time and has been a number of deaths, mostly due to the epidemic of influenza which seems to be prevalent over the entire country. 

Numbers of families sick, possibly every member of some families, and in most helpless condition.
Dollie, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.W.W. Amburn, died on Tuesday of last week of influenza and was buried the following day at Holly Springs cemetery. Rev. T.W. Bryant conducted the funeral. The deceased was about 18 years old and had recently married to Mr. Edgar France only about three weeks before her death. The young couple were making preparations for house keeping when they were both taken sick, were at the groom’s father’s. It was not expected for a while that either would recover but the condition of Mr. France now seems to be favorable for his recovery. This young lady will be greatly missed in her house and community as she was greatly loved by all who knew her.

The little 7-year-old child of the late Milton Angel, which Mr. and Mrs. W.W.W. Amburn had taken to care for, also died on Thursday of last week and was buried at Holly Springs on Friday.

Miss Della Lowe who was recently operated on for appendicitis at the Martin Hospital, Mt. Airy, is expected home latter part of this week.

Mr. Romie Riddle returned to his home last week having been honorably discharged from Camp Jackson. He had spent some time at Newport News preparing to cross the sea and was on the water when the armistice was signed and was turned back. Mr. Thomas Reeves also has recently returned home from Camp Sevier. We feel sure the boys are glad to get back again.

The youngest sons of Mr. J.T. Riddle are very sick, also several children of Mr. W.W. Simmons and the entire family of Mr. J.P. Hooker, all supposed to be influenza.

News has been received here of the death of Mrs. Vincent Lewis, which occurred at her home at Brim several days ago.

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