
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Those Who Served in Graham Emergency Hospital During Flu Epidemic, Dec. 12, 1918

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Dec. 12, 1918

The Graham Chapter, Red Cross, in Executive Session, wishes to express officially its appreciation of all services rendered by its members and the public generally, for the organization, equipment and service of the Emergency Hospital for the treatment of influenza patients, and to thank:

The Presbyterian church for the use of its manse and Sunday school rooms, and all persons who furnished equipment for the hospital;

Dr. Rankin, of the State Board of Health, who aided in securing registered nurses;

And the nurses who came and did such noble work;

And our own doctors, for their hearty co-operation;

And our home nurses, for their faithful work;

And Mr. E.S. Parker Jr. and Misses Irma Coble and Marce Goley, who devoted all their time for the four weeks the hospital was open, as Superintendent, head of the cooking department, and director of the lay nurses respectively.

And to all who rendered service, and gave of their means in the organization, equipment and service of the hospital.
Of those who rendered service during the existence of the Emergency Hospital, The Gleaner has obtained the names of the following in addition to those named above:

Volunteer nurses: Misses Mary Walker, Adelaide Morrow, Edna Longest, Mattie Longest, Callie Foust, Fannie Ray, Martha Gates, Mary Hunter, Lorena Kernodle, Emma Harden, Versie Geanes, Fern Henderson, Dallie Henderson, Lizzie Bradshaw, Minnie Bradshaw, Laird Wilson, Mrs. Hughes, Mesdames Caroline Fowler, Jas. E. Black, Jim Thompson, O.D. McBane and Tom Coble.

Help in diet kitchen: Miss Irma Coble, Mrs. E.S. Parker Jr, and Misses Mamie Parker, Jessie Phillips, Minnie Long, Mabel Moore, Dora Cooke and Lola Cooper.

Help in serving kitchen: Miss Marce Goley, Mrs. W. Ernest Thompson and Miss Doris Holt.

The Boy Scouts helped in any capacity called upon.

The following colored people rendered indispensable service: Bob Fuller, Caesar Jeffress, Ed. Newlin, Harrison Allea, and Tom Long.

The community, sick and well, appreciate very service and attention.

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