
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Camp Sevier to Be Used ofr Incapacitated American Soldiers, Dec. 12, 1918

From The Mount Airy News, Dec. 12, 1918

Camp Sevier Is Being Speedily Demobilized

Camp Sevier, Greenville, S.C., Dec. 7—Demobilization is going on at a rapid rate at Camp Sevier. Men are being discharged from the service at the rate of several hundred per day, and arrangements are under way for the transfer of men who are not discharged here, to other camps, either for discharge or for further military duty.

Through recent discharges, the 156th depot brigade has been reduced to about 2,000 men, excluding of the development battalions, which still number about 4,000 men. These are rapidly being sent home, however under recent instructions. About 500 were discharged Monday, and about the same number Tuesday.

All indications are that the camp is soon to be abandoned, but the base hospital will probably be continued here for some time. A number of incapacitated American soldiers are expected to be sent here soon to spend their period of convalescence prior to discharge. Only one has so far arrived. He is Corporal Bert Mash of Othello, North Carolina, who lost his left leg at the second battle of the Marne.

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