
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Local News From The Alamance Gleaner, Jan. 16, 1919

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Jan. 16, 1919

Local News

It was reported a week ago in the press dispatches that the 30th Division would arrive in the United States about the first of February. A late report says this Division will not return now, and the date of its return is not named. Alamance County people are very much interested in these reports as a large number of Alamance boys are in the 30th.

It appears that influenza has broken out anew in many places throughout the State. The disease is in a milder form, however. In Alamance at present there are, according to reports, a large number of cases. Burlington, Mebane and the Northern and Southern parts of the county are the community affected.

The County Board of Education was in session Monday.

Capt. Jas. N. Williamson is still confined to his home by sickness.

Mr. Rob’t N. Cook, who was appointed Postmaster for Graham some weeks ago, has entered upon the duties of his office.

Graham Red Cross Chapter is finishing this week a call for six dozen refugee shirts for Belgians and will ship them in a day or so.

Alamance Superior Court will convene next Monday for the trial of civil cases. It will be a one-week term, Judge C.C. Lyon will preside.

Last week we announced that Rev. Carl Craig had been called as pastor for the Presbyterian church, and now it is learned he cannot accept.

Two cars, one belonging to Dr. W.H. Brady and the other to Mr. Wm. I. Ward, were stolen Saturday night from Moon’s garage. The cars have been recovered but it is not learned who took them.

A card mailed in France on Dec. 23rd from Chaplain B.F. Black, American Expeditionary Forces in France, wished the people here a “Merry Christmas” and a “Happy New Year.” He says he is happy in his work and all goes well with him.

Mr. Chas. H. Reaves and family moved into their remodeled home on E. Harden Street yesterday. Several months ago he bought the old residence of the late J.L. Scott and has had it remodeled.
Private Hubert H. Barber, son of Mr. D.R. Barber of Boon Station township, is listed among those who died of disease in France. His name appeared on the casualty list the first of the week, but it is learned that he died on the 18th of December.

Mr. Thomas Poythress of Graham and Miss Thelma Bradshaw were married in High Point last Monday. The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. Thos. P. Bradshaw of Graham and the groom is the son of Mrs. N.C. Poythress of Graham. Their friends wish them a happy wedded life.

Mrs. J.D. Kernodle left yesterday morning for Lumberton on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Jas. D. Proctor, and two children.

Mrs. J.L. Scott Jr. and Miss Blanche Scott spent Monday in Greensboro with Mrs. M.J. Brady, Mrs. Scott’s mother, who is quite sick.

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