
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Miss Ione Branch's Work Overseas As Army Nurse, Jan. 16, 1919

From The Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., Jan. 16, 1919

Miss Ione Branch Received Honors

Miss Ione Branch, pleasantly remembered here as a former resident and Weldon High School girl, has received honors for her six months’ service Over Seas as a nurse.

In a letter to one of her friends Miss Branch says:

“I am located near a small French village in a famous old French Chateau that was given over to us by a war widow. We are within sound of the firing line. Every hour both day and night ambulances come to us bringing the wounded from the battlefield. We keep them here until aid comes to take them further away from the explosion of the big guns and the excitement, also to make room for others.

“During all the strenuous work, excitement, also the many receptions given us here and in New York I cannot help but find myself thinking of the people back home and especially of Weldon where I spent many pleasant years of my life.”

Miss Branch enlisted early last spring and did work in Base Hospital at Waynesville until later in the summer when her unit sailed for Over Seas.

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