
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Local Doings From Weldon, N.C., Feb. 27, 1919

From The Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., Feb. 27, 1919

Local Intelligence

Almost time to plant Irish potatoes. You can plow up your garden now and get ready.

The green grass has commenced to grow on the hillsides, and large flocks of wild geese frequently pass over town.

Miss Mary Stringer of Portsmouth spent the week end in Weldon.

Mrs. J.D. Eckles of Black Mountain is visiting Mrs. C.W. Gregory.

Mrs. A.M. Inge and daughter, Miss Virginia, are visiting relatives in Baltimore.

Mr. Roy Owen of Trinity College spent the week end with relatives in town.

Miss Julie Curtis Rhem of Tillery is visiting her sister, Mrs. C.W. Gregory.

Mrs. W.L. Knight was called to Philadelphia last week on account of illness of her brother.

Mr. P.N. Stainback has moved his family to Portsmouth, Va., where they will reside. We regret to lose them as citizens of Welcon.

Rev. F. Cousins of Canada, the new rector of the Episcopal Church, as arrived and preached his first sermon last Sunday. We welcome him to our town.

Miss Annie Medlin is in Baltimore buying her spring and summer millinery for her store at Rosemary. She will have many new novelties to offer the public when she returns.

The ladies of Circle 2 of the Aide Society of the Baptist Church will serve Brunswick stew and chicken salad in the Clark building Thursday, and will appreciate the patronage of the public.

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