
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Local Items From Alamance Gleaner, Feb. 27, 1919

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Feb. 27, 1919

Local News

It rained all day Tuesday. The groundhog may or may not have had anything to do with it.

News was received this week that Lieut-Col. Don. E. Scott of Graham had just been promoted to a full fledged colonel. His record since the United States went into the world war has been such as to be highly gratifying and pleasing to his many friends and this additional evidence of his efficiency gives all his friends further pleasure. He belongs to the 30th Division, than whom no division has won higher praise on the fields of France.

The County Commissioners will meet in regular monthly session next Monday, it being the first Monday of March.

March Term of Alamance Superior Court will convene next Monday for the trial of criminal actions. The docket is not a large one.

A daughter, Ora Holt Long, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Long, last Friday morning.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy will meet Thursday afternoon, March 6th, at 3 o’clock with Mrs. Junius H. Harden.

The Ladies’ Aid Society and Mission Study Class of the Graham Christian church will meet Wednesday afternoon, March 5th, at 3 o’clock with Mrs. Walter R. Harden.

The Woman’s Missionary Society of the M.E. Church will meet Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock in the church.

Mr. Daniel L. Bell left the first of the week for Pittsboro where he will locate for the practice of the law, having formed a partnership with Messrs. Long & Long of Graham. He is a very excellent young man and well equipped.

Mention was made by The Gleaner last week of the resignation of Rev. L.U. Weston as pastor of Graham Baptist church and of Hocutt Memorial Baptist church in Burlington. Both of these churches having under consideration the calling of a whole-time pastor, the solution was the resignation of Mr. Weston. Since his resignation he has been elected whole-time pastor of the Graham church.

Burlington has been afflicted with wholesale thievery in the past few days. Mr. A.O. Huffman’s automobile was stolen Sunday night while he was attending church in Burlington, and on Monday night around $1,000 worth of hosiery was stolen from the Piedmont Finishing Mills. The automobile has not been heard from, but several of the gang who stole the hosiery have been caught and are held for a hearing.

Mrs. J.D. Lee has returned from Baltimore where she has been purchasing stock in millinery.

Mrs. Eugene Knight of Durham is here with her mother, Mrs. James P. Smith, who is sick.

Messrs. Ralph W. Vincent and Thos. C. Carter of Mebane were here this morning on business.

Miss Duke McCracken spent the week-end in Winston-Salem with her brother, Mr. Eugene McCracken.

Mr. Jas. P. Smith returned the latter part of last week from Virginia where he had been for several weeks on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Faucette Moore of Gastonia and Miss Louise Moore of Salisbury spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Moore.

Messrs. J.S. Cook and J.L. Scott Jr. were in Raleigh last were taking advanced work in Masonry. There was a class of more than 70 who were advanced to the 32nd degree.

Among the Sick

Mr. John G. Longest continues to be quite sick.

Mrs. Jas. P. Smith is confined to her home by sickness.

Mrs. McBride Holt is confined to her home by sickness.

Mr. Ben N. Turner continued to be quite sick.

Dr. J.N. Taylor is confined to his home with an attack of influenza.

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