
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Ezra Moore, Class of '17, Dies of Flu in France, March 12, 1919

From The Guilfordian, March 12, 1919

Ezra Moore, Class of ’17, Dies in France

Thursday, March 6th, the faculty and student body of Guilford College were saddened by the new that Ezra A. Moore had died February 27 in Harne, France, of influenza, followed by pneumonia. In Ezra’s death Guilford loses a graduate whose manly Christian character drew all to him.

Ezra A. Moore was born in Goldsboro, Wayne county, N.C., October 12th, 1892. He went to school at the Woodland Graded school near his home. In the fall of 1912 he came to Guilford College. During his life in college he endeared himself to all who knew him. The memory of his untiring efforts is the source of inspiration to all who lived with him.

Biology was his favorite subject of study, and nothing pleased him better than to trace the blood thru the human body, or to explain the uses of the different bones.

In the Henry Clay Literary Society he was a most dependable member, always ably carrying his share. But his work did not stop here. He was one of the foremost men in the Y.M.C.A. One cannot speak too highly of him as a Christian worker. He was an active member of the Joseph Moore Science Club. He served on the Guilfordian Board and took his place in the college athletics, aside from his regular college work. Ezra was always found on the job in whatever there was to do.

The fall after graduation Ezra was principal of the high school at Pine Tops, N.C. In his first attempt at his life’s work he made his usual good record.

On March 31st (Easter Sunday), Ezra A. Moore was united in marriage to Mollie Edwards of Goldsboro, N.C. To this union was born a daughter, Hazel Marjorie, January 27th, 1919.

When the call for help from the people in the war stricken districts of France came to America, Ezra heard it. His answer has been his life that others might live. On June 1st, 1918, he sailed for France in the Friends Reconstruction Unit. A short while after arriving in France he was made business manager of one of the Red Cross hospitals under the care of the Friends. His promotion and the results of his work show the high quality of work he did for the needy French refugees.

When his nine months of service with the Friends Service Committee was ended, he was given his honorable discharge. He had received his discharge and was on his way to port when taken sick. He was taken off the train and taken to a hospital at Harne, France, where he died February 27th.

A heroic life given to the service of his suffering fellowmen. A greater gift none can give.

For his wife and child and his aged father and mother, we offer our sincere sympathy.

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