
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Local Intelligence From Roanoke News, March 13, 1919

From the Roanoke News, March 13, 1919

Local Intelligence

Get ready for gardening. Time to plow up your garden. You can plant your Irish potatoes now
Mr. A.S. Allen visited Richmond last week.

On last Friday night at the dance given by the young people of town, Mr. Witmer Anthony and Miss Katherine Allen of Thelma went out of the hall on the back porch, and while leaning against the railing, which, unknown to them was unsafe, the railing broke, throwing Mr. Anthony and Miss Allen heavily to the ground below, a distance of about 18 feet. Lucky for them, however, some one had placed an old lounge at the spot where they fell and they both fell on this lounge. Medical aid was summoned and relief was quickly given. They were not seriously hurt but both were severely bruised.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will sell ice cream, candies and salted peanuts at Evans’ store, next to Freid’s, on Thursday afternoon, March 13.

You can’t have a garden and raise chickens unless you have a very large lot. Then if you will stop a moment and think of it, it is against the town law to allow your chickens to run at large and destroy your neighbor’s garden.

March 24th will be clean up day. Get ready for it and see to it that all the back lots in town are put in perfect order.Mrs. F.M. Shamburger is visiting relatives in Oxford.

Mrs. E.L. Hayward spent last Thursday in Warrenton.

Mr. J.A. Johnston visited Washington, D.C., last week.

Mr. R.S. Travis Jr. of Chapel Hill spent the week end in town.

Cotton farmers rally, Saturday, March 15th. Be sure and attend.

The many friends of Mr. C.E. Carter will be glad to know that he has entirely recovered from a spell of the “flu” and pneumonia.

Mrs. J.A. Harris of Enfield is visiting relatives and friends in town.

Mr. W.E. Daniel spent Thursday in Warrenton on legal business.

Mr. Joe Butts Dickens has returned home from Camp Jackson, where he was honorably discharged from the army.

Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Allen are visiting relatives in Greensboro and Durham.

Rev. J.G. Blalock spent last Friday in Winterville attending a meeting of the trustees of the Winterville High School.

Miss Kate Daniel has returned home after a short visit to friends in Richmond, Va.

Miss Fannie Burwell of Mecklenburg county, Va., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. N.S. Barnes, has returned home.

Mrs. W.E. Daniel and son, Master John, are visiting relatives in Fork Union, Va.

Mr. J.A. Johnston Jr., U.S. Navy, Great Lakes, Ill., is spending a few days at home.

Mrs. A.M. Inge and daughter, Miss Virginia, who have been visiting relatives in Baltimore, have returned home.

Miss Ruth Clark, who teaches school at Battleboro, spent the week end in town.

Mrs. W.L. Knight has returned from a visit to Philadelphia. She was accompanied by her brother, Mr. J.P. Smith.

The Alumni of the North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering at Raleigh are raising money for the erection on the College campus of a memorial to 29 former students who have lost their lives in the great war. The campaign, which began on March 1st, is starting off well and the committee has set their goal at $10,000. The memorial executive committee is composed of Alumni living in or near Raleigh with Prof. C.L. Mann as chairman, and Mr. E.B. Owen, registrar of the college, as secretary-treasurer. The member of the advisory committee for Weldon is Mr. E.H. Smith.

Mr. W.J. Stokes, who lives near town, vouches for the following: A lady who lives in Warren county and a relative of his on January 28th last gave birth to a well developed child and on February 23rd gave birth to another child. This is certainly very unusual and is a case for the medical journals.

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