
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Local News, Deaths of John Longest, Eva Coble, March 13, 1919

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., March 13, 1919

Local News

Mr. J.H. Cornell left Sunday night for Johns Hopkins Hospital where he will undergo an operation for a serious ailment.

Pvt. Melvin Rogers, son of Wm. Rogers, colored, of Graham, returned a few days ago. He was in France more than a year.

The Methodist Protestant Philathea Class will give an oyster supper in the Hotel Graham Saturday night. Everybody invited.

The bluebird has come. He is reported to be the real harbinger of spring.

On Wednesday of last week Alamance Hospital, under management of Drs. W.H. Braddy and J.J. Barefoot, opened at the Dr. E.C. Laird residence on the Graham-Haw River road. Already about half a dozen operations have been performed and at this writing there are 10 patients in the Hospital.
Mr. Ben N. Turner has greatly improved in the past few days, his friends will be glad to learn.
Mr. Walter R. Harden and entire family who were sick with flue last week are better. Mr. Harden was at his place of business yesterday.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong Holt is still quite sick.

Mr. T. Womack McBane, who was with the Graham Drug Co. prior to the war, received his discharge about two weeks ago and is here for a few days. He belonged to the Medical Corps of the Navy and was on the U.S.S. George Washington. During the time he was in service he made several trips across the Atlantic. On account of having to undergo an operation he was deprived of the distinguished pleasure of being aboard and crossing when President Wilson made his first trip overseas last December.

Miss Conley Albright, in school at the State Normal College, Greensboro, spent from Saturday till Monday at her home here. She was accompanied by Miss Ivora Tripp of that city.

Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Longest and Mrs. J.R. Hughes of Greensboro were here Monday attending the funeral of Mr. John G. Longest, brother of Mr. Longest and Mrs. Hughes.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks Williamson and children of Fayetteville spent Sunday and Monday here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson. They made the trip by automobile and returned home Tuesday.

Mrs. J.L. Scott Jr., Mrs. J. Mel. Thompson, Mrs. Chas. W. Causey, Miss Blanche and Mr. John Scott spent yesterday in Greensboro. Mrs. Causey will make her home in Greensboro and did not return with the others in the party.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Norcross and little Miss Catherine arrived here from Washington on Saturday on a visit to Mrs. Norcross’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks Holt. Mr. Norcross left Monday evening for Atlanta.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Proctor and little daughters, Misses Elizabeth and Mary Catherine, of Lumberton, arrived here Friday evening on a visit to the home of Mrs. Proctor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Kernodle. Mr. Proctor left for home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Roy Long left Tuesday for Morganton where he has bought a drug business and will make his home. He was manager of the Hayes Drug Co. here up to the first of January and by strict attention to business and his uniform kindness built up a fine business. His numerous friends regret his leaving. Mrs. Long and little daughter will follow in about three weeks.

Mr. John G. Longest Dead

After an illness of about two months, Mr. John G. Longest died at his home in Graham at 8 o’clock Sunday morning, March 9th. He was born January 19, 1856. The funeral was conducted from Graham Christian church, of which he was a member, at 2:30 o’clock Monday by his Pastor, Rev. F.C. Lester, and Dr. D.A. Long, the latter preaching the funeral sermon. Afterwards the remains were laid to rest in Linwood cemetery.

Mr. Longest had spent practically all his life from his childhood in Graham. He is survived by his widow and nine children—six daughters and three sons; one brother and two sisters, Mr. J.N. Longest, Mrs. J.R. Hughes and Mrs. Stewart of Greensboro.

Mr. Longest was a contractor and builder by trade and so well did he do whatever he undertook that his services were in constant demand. In his death the community has lost a valuable and useful citizen.

Eva Coble Has Died

One more break in a happy band,
   One more home that is desolate now,
One more harp in an angel’s hand,
   One more crown on an angel’s brow.

On March the 3rd, 1919, Eva Coble died at her home near Kimesville and was buried at Mt. Zion on the 4th, funeral services conducted by the Rev. Mr. Shelton. She was 13 years old, a bright and lovely flower faded on earth to bloom again in heaven. She leaves a sorrowing father and mother, four brothers and one sister, and a number of schoolmates and friends to mourn for her.

 She is gone to the mansion of rest,
   Her spirit no longer imprisoned in clay;
Her soul now reclining on the Savior’s breast,
   In the bright sunny regions of day.

No light can ever darken her sunny abode,
   Nor stormcloud its peace can destroy;
No sad, bitter wail neath sin’-heavy load
   Can ever come in to annoy.

She has gone never more to return—
   Her place in the home can never be filled;
Her companions through sorrow life’s lessons will learn,
   Dreaming oft of their friend, now silent and still.

Nor more will they greet her as they often have done
   Her musical voice no more will they hear;
Her footsteps which on errands have run
   Will never be heard the sad breaths to cheek.

How sad was the parting, how hard to say
   The bitter farewell, the last goodbye,
While angels were waiting to bear her away
   From the trials of earth to a home in the sky.

She is waiting for her friends at the gate;
   At the portals of glory she is waiting today,
While Death, the reaper, works early and late
   And is bearing the sheaves away.

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