
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Hickory Continues Welcome of Artillery Boys Home From France, March 29, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, March 29, 1919

Give Welcome To Returning Soldiers

By the Associated Press

Wilmington, N.C., March 29—Business was at a standstill today for several hours here while the city paid tribute to its returning soldiers and sailors. The 115th machine gun battalion, 30th division, arrived at midnight and at 11 o’clock today paraded the main thoroughfares of the city.

They were welcomed home on behalf of the state by Congressman Brinson of the third district and on behalf of the city by Mayor Moore.

Nearly all of the men were from eastern North Carolina. They will report to Camp Jackson to be mustered out.


Another Hickory Boy Wins His Promotion

Dr. Albert Gaither Hahn, who went over as a lieutenant, has been promoted to a captain, the good news coming in a letter this week to his father, Mr. D.E. Hahn, from Marseilles, France, under date of March 8. Captain Hahn is billeted at this southern city and likes it much. He has no idea when he will return to the states.


From the Hickory Daily Record, March 29, 1919

Artillery Boys, Just Back From France, Eager to Greet Home Folks. . . Great Crowd Sees the Soldiers Here

Hickory people today gave welcome to the members of Battery E, 113th artillery, fresh from France, where they took an active part in shelling the Germans; fresher from Raleigh, where they paraded and participated in a monster barbecue and celebration in honor of the regiment, and fresher still from Camp Jackson, where they were discharged from the service.

In the crowd which assembled in Hickory today were numbers of Caldwell people, impatient to see relatives and friends, and desirous of speeding home with their boys. The usual Saturday crowds in Hickory were swelled by hundreds who came in to greet old friends and to rejoice at the home-coming.

The welcome was gladsome and the artillerymen were all smiles. Some of the boys who went across did not return. They gave their young lives in defense of country and they sleep on French soil, hallowed with hero’s blood. A number of the Lenoir battery men are well known in Hickory and their commander, Capt. Wade V. Bowman, is a Hickory boy.

Chaplain Ben Lacy, known affectionately as “fighting man,’ journeyed home with the boys.

The soldiers were not fed by the local canteen, but there was a reason. That pleasure by request was left for Lenoir folks, who planned to do the job in much style.

Hickory people who thronged around the train wanted to know about the 105th engineers, and were assured that these boys would be coming forthwith. It takes time, these artillerymen would say, to move an army—gosh, didn’t they know how long it took for themselves to be brought over after they had been designated for the home-coming.

It was 1:30 this afternoon when No. 10 pulled out with its cargo of impatient humanity for Lenoir, amid the greetings of friends. The crowd began assembling at the station by 11 o’clock and many waited over an hour for their arrival. Others joined the crows and the artillerymen were given a glad welcome.

What they wanted most, however, was go get home. That was the great appeal for them.

A special train left Hickory at noon carrying persons from this section for the celebration.

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