
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Wilson Patients With Lung Trouble Examined for Tuberculosis, March 29, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., March 29, 1919. Sanitarium was the first state institute for treating tuberculosis. It was opened in 1908.

Examined Patients

Dr. McCain of Sanitarium, who was here yesterday, examined suspected cases of lung trouble which had been brought to his attention by Dr. Smith of the Health Board And the physicians of the county. Some of these will go to Sanitarium for treatment, while others will be kept at home under the care of local physicians.

Dr. McCain states that 50 per cent of the cases sent to his institution for treatment recover and are able to resume their work. This erection of new buildings will enable the institution to care for 39 per cent more patients than heretofore.

The coming of Dr. McCain to this city to examine suspected cases  here is unusual and is the result of the activity of Dr. Smith of the Health Department who speaks highly of the hospital at Sanitarium and says that it should be liberally patronized by North Carolina people.

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