
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Hundreds Watch as Tank Puts on Show, Overturns; Is Being Overhauled in Local Garage, April 23, 1919

From the editorial page of The Wilson Daily Times, April 23, 1919

Tank Attracted Much Attention

The tank which was on exhibition here yesterday afternoon under the direction of Privates Adams and Masten of the U.S. Tank Corps, performed many stunts on a vacant lot on Kenan Street yesterday afternoon. The gentlemen put the Machen through its various paces and evolutions. It was exceedingly well under control, makes fast speed and the track on one side of the machine is held still while the other is used to turn it around. This little engine of war carries a one pounder, and in action the front is generally used to break up machine gun nests. It was fired off several times yesterday to the amusement and delight of the hundreds of people watching the performance. A number of the young ladies took a ride in the tank.

At one time while trying to cross a ditch, the machine overturned and Mr. Welfare’s big truck was brought into play, and soon it was on its heels again and running right along.

On account of a slight knock in the engine the machine will be overhauled at one of our local garages and tomorrow it proceeds to Rocky Mount, where it exhibits.

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