
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Local News From Graham, N.C., April 24, 1919

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., April 24, 1919

Local News

Fine weather Sunday last for the display of Easter hats and frocks. On not one Easter in a dozen has vegetation been so far advanced as at the Easter just passed. There were both ice and frost Saturday morning last (19th) but it does not appear that any vegetation was hurt.

Easter Monday was a fine day and generally observed as a holiday. Some went fishing and others attended the ball games. Oak Ridge and Carolina Freshmen played ball at Piedmont Park, and Oak Ridge won by a score of 8 to 4. A big crowd attended the game.

Mr. J.D. Albright is home from the hospital and is getting along nicely.

All Confederate veterans and all soldiers of the European War residing in Alamance county are cordially invited to attend a dinner to be given by the Graham Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy and the people of the town, in Graham, on Friday, July 4th, 1919.

Last Saturday about 12 o’clock Deputy H.J. Stockard captured a still near Manndale and close to the Chatham line. It was a galvanized still and the fires were burning already for a “run.” The still was cut up and the worm and cap were brought to town. Two men were found at the still. Leonard Jones was arrested and gave bond for a hearing today. There was a negro man at the place, but he got away.

The graduate recital of the Department of Piano at Elon College will be given this evening at 8:30. Those who will participate are Mrs. W.A. Harper, Miss Vara Oldham, and Miss Gladys Peace.

he Music Department at Elon College is also preparing to give an oratorio, “The Suffering Savior”, at the approaching commencement, Monday evening, May 19th.

The undertakers Messrs. Rich & Thompson, have purchased a handsome new motor hearse. It arrived yesterday.

Workmen are busy at the old Oneida store building for occupancy by Green & McClure Furniture Co. Already, the electric elevator has been installed.

Mr. Phil S. Dixon is building on the vacant lot between his tailoring store and the west end of the Opera House. The building will be used for an automobile sales room.

The Graham Ice Co. plant that was partially destroyed by fire several months ago will begin operation again soon, the damage having been repaired.

Mr. Claud D. Moore is putting the material on the ground for building a nice bungalow. It is on E. Harden St., next to Mr. John M. Crawford’s.

Hotel Graham is going to be overhauled and improved. New steel girders will be placed across the front. This material has already been received.

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