
Monday, May 20, 2019

11 Receive High School Diplomas, May 20, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Tuesday, May 20, 1919

High School Exercises

The High School exercises in the Atlantic Christian College at 10:30 this morning were as follows:


Prayer, Rev. W.A. Stanbury

Salutatorian, Ella May Leonard


Valdictorian, Ava Chula Wolff

Solo, “A Messenger,” (Forge), Miss Ada Gray Dixon

Address, Rev. S.L. Sadler, Greenville, N.C.

Presentation of diplomas, Prof. Perry Case

Benediction, W.O. Lappin


The following received High School Diplomas:

Beulah Howard Barwick

Thelma Ellington Flanagan

Mabel Elizabeth Galloway

Frank R. Britt Massey

Noanna Clifton Marshbourne

Leola Sanders

Ethel May Turnage

Mildred Mary Wilson

Ava Chura Wolff

Ella May Leonard

Mertie Bryant Rice

The class colors were green and white.

The class motto was “Know everything about something, something about everything.”

Class flower, sweet peas.

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