
Monday, May 20, 2019

Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Bullock Have Died

From the Spring Hope Journal as reprinted in The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Tuesday, May 20, 1919

Mrs. Helen Matthews

Mrs. Helen Matthews of near Moymeyer, daughter of Mr. Charlie Bass, died Sunday about the noon hour of heart leakage. A husband and one child and a father and mother and several brothers and sisters survive.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. G.W. May and interment took place in the family burying ground Sunday afternoon. Quite a large crowd of relatives and friends attended. The floral designs were many and were beautiful. Mrs. Matthews was only 18 years of age and had just bloomed into womanhood, which makes the death so sad.

She was a good woman and had been a member of the church for about seven years. The family and relatives have our sympathy.


Mrs. Henry Coley

Mrs. Henry Coley, sister of our townsman, Mr. J.A. Marshbourn who lives near Rocky Mount, died Sunday morning of complicated diseases. She has surviving a husband and seven children, a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Marshbourn, one brother, Mr. J.A. Marshbourn, and one sister, Mrs. Eugene Hester. 

The funeral service was conducted by a pastor from Rocky Mount, her pastor Rev. W.O. Rosser being away. Interment took place in the Coley grave-yard near Rocky Mount amidst quite a large crowd. The floral offers were very beautiful and nearly covered the grave. 

Mrs. Coley had been a member of the church for about 15 years and was one of the most devoted Christians in that vicinity. Among the people from Spring Hope attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Marshbourn, Wilbur Marshbourn, Mrs. Jno. Dodd, Mrs. Jno. Pitts Sr., Miss Annie Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. A.F. May and son Aleck, Jno. Swain, Mrs. Sallie Wood, Mrs. W.G. Taylor, Mrs. L.C. Morris and son Walter.


Mrs. Sallie Perry

The whole community was saddened on April 2, 1919, when we learned of the death of Mrs. Sallie Perry. For several weeks she had been confined to her bed, having suffered a stroke of paralysis, this combined with her 90 odd years caused grievous fears of her recovery, but what a patient sufferer! Never a murmur or complaint, instead she seemed happy to lay there and she sung songs of Zion, one of her favorite being “Lord, I’m Coming Home.”

Hers was such an unusual life we want to give a bit of its history. Early in life she joined Perry’s Baptist church. In the church the home and community in which she lived, she gave her life as one of service and sacrifice. It is said she would so far and near to administer to the sick, always ready to do something for her master. Her children can well rise up and call her blessed. She was a Christian of the old-time sort, never doubting her acceptance with Him.

Mrs. Perry was the mother of a very large family, all of whom are living except Mrs. Kate Stallings who preceded her to the grave several years ago. She has now surviving her eight children: Mrs. P.T. Harris, Mr. Billy Perry, Mr. Weldon Perry, Mrs. Jane Reams, Mr. Charlie Perry, Mr. Thee Perry, Mr. James Perry and Mrs. W.B. Brown; one sister, Mrs. Judy Bunn; besides about 179 grand children reaching the fourth generation, and a host of relatives. Her husband died about 25 years ago. Her influence among these people was great. She went in and out among them as a guarding angel, lending her hand wherever she could serve, and now they have the assurance that she is in heaven. What a rapturous thought! Heaven is closer when our dear ones are there and is more real to us. It ceases to be only a home for angels when we think “Aunt Sallie” is there awaiting our coming.

We are glad to be able to point the loved ones to the great comforter, in Him they have a friend that can make them strong in this sad hour. He was her friend. He will be yours.

At the time of her death she was a member of Midway Baptist church, where her funeral was conducted by Rev. John Bunn, her pastor. Interment took place in the family burial ground near Mr. A.A. Bowden’s. The pall bearers were Mr. Grover Brown, Mr. Zollie Champion, Mr. John Coggin, Mr. Jim Chapman, Mr. J.H. Privette and Mr. Walter Staunton. There beneath a mound of beautiful flowers she was tenderly laid to rest to await the resurrection morn.


Mrs. Minnie Bullock

Mrs. Minnie Bullock died last Thursday morning at 6 o’clock from complicated diseases and old age, she being 71 years of age.

She has surviving a husband Mr. N. Bullock, and seven children, three boys and four girls, Messrs. John Bullock, George Bullock and Budd Bullock, and Mrs. Lena Tyson, Saratoga, Mrs. Bertie Avent, Poplar Springs, Mrs. Emma Dodd of Bunn, and Mrs. Etta Scarborough of Raleigh. 

The funeral was conducted at her home in Spring Hope by Rev. M.B. Williford of Rocky Mount and interment took place at the family burying ground near Bunn amidst a large throng of sorrowing relatives and friends. The floral designs were many and were beautiful. 

Mrs. Bullock had been a member of the Primitive Baptist church for 40 years and was one of their very best members. She had been in poor health for about 20 years and had suffered very much, but she bore her sufferings with smiles and death was welcome to her, for she knew that she had a better home in the sky above where her sufferings would be no more.

The Journal extends to the family their deepest sympathy in the dark hours of sorrow.

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