
Sunday, May 5, 2019

Consecration Sunday Service for St. Timothy's Church, Wilson, N.C., May 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., May 5, 1919

Consecration Sunday. . . Beautiful St. Timothy’s Church is now free of debt. Services will be impressive.

Bishop Cheshire, Archdeacon Duncan and several visiting clergy will be here for the ceremony.

Rev. T.A. Cheatham of Pinehurst will preach the sermon and the Bishop will confirm a large class of candidates who will consecrate their lives to the service of the Master at the same time that the building is consecrated to His glory and worship.

Since the present Rector, The Rev. Morrison Bethea, took charge of the Parish, over three years ago, it has been the fond hope of Rector and people to discharge the debt on the building and present it to the Bishop for consecration. This was done early last fall but the epidemic of influenza causes a postponement of the service.

During the past few years the growth of the Parish has been remarkable. The increase in both communicants and offerings have been over 50 per cent. The life of the Parish shows every sign of healthy growth.

The interior of the church shown here is strikingly beautiful, by some said to be one of the most pleasing interiors in the State. The walls have been beautifully refinished by a group of young ladies, St. Mary’s Guild, and they deserve great credit, not only for their energy and devotion in undertaking and paying for this work, but for the excellent taste displayed in the selection of color.

Image provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC
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