
Sunday, May 5, 2019

Rev. Trueblood Speaks at Bible Class' Special Service, May, 1919

From The Roanoke Rapids Herald, May 2, 1919

Celebrates Anniversary

The Men’s Tuesday Night Bible Class of the Baptist church held a special service Tuesday night commemorating another year’s work. Special music had been prepared by the choir and it was especially well rendered.

Mrs. W.S. Hancock sang “Jesus Lover of My Soul” as a solo and a double quartette also sang.
The congregation was happy in the pleasure and privilege of having with them to deliver the address their former beloved pastor, Rev. C. Herman Trueblood, now pastor of the Burrow’s Memorial Church, Norfolk, Va.

Mr. Trueblood’s subject was “Winning God’s Approval” and he handled it well. He began by stating that all persons had an innate desire to be approved of their fellow men, in dress, in conduct, in skill, etc., and then he showed how much more important it was to gain the approval of God. This, he said, could be done by properly studying His Book and by putting into practice the principles there laid down. He quoted several tributes of eminent men paid to the bible and also the dying words of famous infidels as a contrast. He closed his address by appealing to his hearers to become signposts to the world pointing the road to the more abundant life.

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