
Thursday, May 16, 2019

In Franklin County Superior Court, May 16, 1919

From The Franklin Times, Friday, May 16, 1919

Judge O.H. Allen Presiding Over Franklin Superior Court. . . Gives Booze a Blow. . . Mr. R.W. Hudson Given Four Months in Jail for Carrying Concealed Weapon

With His Honor Judge W.R. Allen of Goldsboro presiding Franklin Superior Court for the May term, criminal, convened on Monday morning with a full docket. The ill began to grind promptly and after the list of jurors had been turned in by Sheriff H.A. Kearney a grand jury composed of the following were drawn:

W.O. Stone, Foreman; E.F. P:oythress, R.W. House, E.M. Sykes, Elmore Horton, J.R. White, Perry Strickland, J.T. Gay, A.A. Perry, A.J. Joyner, J.F. Mitchell, J.R. Coggin, E.S. Moore, A.T. Griffin, Arthur Strickland, C.T. Cheves, C.H. Perdue. Jno. B. Smith was sworn in as officer to the grand jury.

Judge Allen then delivered a charge that dealt whiskey possibly the worst blow it has ever received in Franklin County. “The only real lawlessness I hear of from Franklin County is the making, selling and drinking of whiskey,” said Judge Allen and he proceeded to show that in almost every case that comes in the criminal courts is instigated or contaminated by whiskey. He made it plain to the Jury that it was their duty to investigate all crime, more especially the illegal making and selling of whiskey.

Solicitor H.E. Norris of Raleigh was present and ably defended the State side of the docket.

Cases were then taken up and disposed of as follows:

State vs John Closs, c c w, not guilty.

State vs John Bunn, assault, guilty, fined $25 and costs.

State vs G.W. Bradley, violating town ordinance of Franklinton, continued.

State vs Shelly Brown and Frances Loyd, sci fa dismissed.

State vs Atah Jeans, selling cider, defendant called and failed, judgment ni sis ci fa, capias and continued.

State vs Emmett Perry, false swearing, defendant through counsel enters plea of nolo contender, judgment suspended upon payment of costs.

State vs Wm. Henry Cooke, c c w, defendant pleads guilty, six months on roads.

State vs Frank Mangum, larceny, pleads guilty, 12 months in jail to be farmed out to pay cost, with defendants consent he is to pay Joe Evans $20 for meat and E.H. Evans $5 on costs of blood hounds.

State vs Lossie Perry, a d w, c c w, pleads guilty, 12 months on roads of Franklin or adjoining counties.

States vs Jim Bryant, a d w, c c w, not guilty in a d w; pleads guilty in c c w, 6 months in jail with privilege for Commissioners to hire out to F.B. McKinney and pay costs.

State vs Willie Smith, a d w, pleads guilty, fined $25 and costs.

State vs Richard Wright, abduction and enticing servant, at close of State’s evidence motion to dismiss was allowed.

State vs Robert Perry, c c w, pleads guilty, 3 months in jail with leave to hire to Allen Thomas, and pay costs.

State vs R.W. Hudson c c w, pleads guilty, defendant to be confined in jail for period of four months not to be hired or farmed out.

State vs R.W. Hudson, a d w, continued.

State vs R.W. Hudson, disorderly conduct, continued.

State vs Zollie Eaton, l and r, 6 months on roads.

State vs James Denton and Tucker Perry, a d w.

State vs James Robbins, abduction, continued.

State vs David Bowden, false swearing, defendant enters plea of nolo contendere, judgment suspended upon payment of costs.

State vs Sula Mitchiner, infanticide, hol pros with leave.

As we go to press the trial of the criminal docket is still in progress and will probably last all the week.

Grand Jury Report

The Grand Jury completed its work on Wednesday afternoon and made the following report which was received and the Jury was discharged with the thanks of the Court:

North Carolina—Franklin County

To Hon. O.H. Allen, Presiding at the May Term of 1919 of Franklin Superior Court
We the Grand Jury for this Term beg leave to make the following report. We have passed on all Bills that have been given as in charge, and have investigated all matters which have come to our knowledge.

We have visited the County Jail and find the same in good sanitary condition and the prisoners well cared for, but we recommend that the Cells be painted for the protection of the Steele and for the protection and comfort of the prisoners.

We have visited the County officers and find the records well kept and properly indexed. We recommend that the Clerks office be generally overhauled, that is a new floor be put in and the office repainted and that the Library be removed to the Court room in the case now there with doors put on the case and locked. We recommend that the Court Hall down stairs be painted and cleaned.

There is now no Convict Camp in this County. We have visited the County Home and find the same in good condition, but we recommend that the Inmates be furnished better clothing and better bed clothing. Some of the inmates complain that their food at all times is not as nourishing as should be, for sick people. We recommend that these matters be called to attention of Board of Commissioners. We have investigated the School conditions in the County, and find that the same are as about as good as can be expected on account of inability to procure teachers for schools.

We recommend that the Board of County Commissioners be directed to look after the condition of the Roads in all the Townships of the County, under the Laws of 1919, as the Roads of the County in some instances are being neglected.

Respectfully submitted,
W.O. Stone, Foreman, Grand Jury

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