
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Newly Elected Franklin County Commissioners Take Care of Business, May 16,1919

From The Franklin Times, Friday, May 16, 1919

New Board Takes Office. . . All Old Officers Re-Elected. . . Two New Ordinances Passed. . . Pays Treasurer Salary of $200

The old Board of Town Commissioners met at 12 o’clock on Thursday of last week with all members present, to receive and canvass the returns from the election on Tuesday previous and to complete the unfinished business. After reading and approving minutes of the previous meeting, business was transacted as follows:

The report of the Registrar and poll holders was received and filed, showing elections as follows: 

L.L. Joyner, Mayor; G.W. Ford, W.J. Cooper, F.W. Hicks, B.N. Williamson, E.H. Malone and F.W. Wheless, Commissioners. No other business to come before the old Board, it adjourned sine die.

The oaths of office were then administered to the newly elected officers by J.J. Barrow, Clerk of the Superior Court, after which they organized and transacted business as follows:

Upon motion the commissioners ordered the Clerk to pay one-half the expenses of the Welcome Home to the Franklin County Soldiers.

The Mayor appointed the following standing committees, the first named in each case being the Chairman:

Finance—E.H. Malone, F.W. Hicks, W.J. Cooper.

Street—F.W. Wheless, C.W. Ford, W.J. Cooper.

Light and Water—B.N. Williamson, F.W. Hicks, G.W. Ford.

Building—F.W. Hicks, G.W. Ford, F.W. Wheless.

Auditing—G.W. Ford, W.J. Cooper, E.H. Malone.

Sanitary—W.J. Cooper, E.H. Malone, B.N. Williamson.

Ordinance—F.W. Wheless, E.H. Malone, W.J. Cooper.

Mayor Pro Tem—B.N. Williamson.

The Board adjoined to meet again on Friday night.

The Board met again on Friday night according to adjournment with all Commissioners present. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Business was taken up and approved as follows:

Report of D.C. High, Chief of Police, was received and filed. He reports collecting costs, licenses, etc. $129.35.

Reports of A.W. Alston, Clerk, was received and filed. He reports collecting taxes, $4,677.55; street assessment, $62.37; lights, water and coal, $1,438.27.

Upon motion, the bill of Dr. J.E. Malone was ordered paid.

An ordinance prohibiting the driving of tractors or any vehicle whose wheel or other surface coming in contact with the pavements will damage same under fine of $10 was passed.

An ordinance prohibiting the use of water from any spigot or water supply controlled by the town by any person not paying for same, under a fine of $5 for each offense.

The election of officers was then taken up and all the old officers as follows were unanimously re-elected:

D.C. High, Chief of Police.

E.C. Perry, Night Police.

B.H. Meadows, Keeper of Fire House and other such work as the board may designate.

M.S. Clifton, Treasurer.

A.W. Alston, Clerk.

Upon motion the salary of the Treasurer was made $200 per year.

After allowing a number of accounts, the Board adjoined to its next regular meeting.

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