
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Death Notices for Low, Mebane, Cockman, Trolinger, Simpson, Purse in Alamance Gleaner July 24, 1919

From the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., July 24, 1919


Daniel Low died on Thursday, 17th inst., at his home in Boone Station township some three miles North of Elon College. The remains were buried at Frieden’s on Saturday following. Mr. Low was a Confederate veteran and was past 75 years of age. He leaves a widow and two children.


Robert J. Mebane died at his home in Burlington last Thursday, aged 71 years. He was born and reared at old Boone Station in Boone Station township. He had resided in Burlington for many years. His widow and nine children—five sons and four daughters—survive him.


Little five-months-old son of Mr. Alvin Cockman died here Saturday and was buried in Linwood Cemetery Sunday.


Mr. Benjamin F Trolinger died at his home here yesterday afternoon about 4 o’clock, aged 61 years, 6 months and 4 days. While he had not been very strong for a year or more and had been confined to his home but a few days, his death was unexpected. Mr. Trolinger had made his home in Graham for many years and was well known. He was a good citizen. He is survived by his wife and three children. The older son William, is in the U.S. Army where he has been for some 15 years. The second son, Boyd R., lives here, and the daughter Mrs. Hosea D. Lambeth, lives at Elon College. The funeral will be conducted from the Presbyterian church at 4 o’clock this afternoon by Rev. Dr. D.A. Long, and the interment will be in Linwood cemetery.


The sudden death of Mr. H.H. Simpson at his home at Haw River this morning about 9:30 o’clock was a distinct shock to his family and friends. For more than a year his health had not been good, but he had been reasonably active. This morning as he was passing from one room to another he fell and expired immediately. Mr. Simpson was a highly esteemed citizen. He had lived at Haw River since he was a young man and for a number of years was engaged in merchandising. He was about 60 years of age and is survived by his widow and five children—Mrs. E.L. Henderson of Graham, Alfred H. Simpson of Burlington, Mrs. W.J. Allen, James Simpson and Miss Ada Simpson of Haw River. After the funeral service at Haw River the burial will be in Linwood Cemetery at 4 o’clock on tomorrow afternoon.


The passing of Mr. Wm. L. Purse last Sunday morning at the home of his father-in-law, Mr. Jas. P. Smith, was a shock to his friends. After midnight, about 3 o’clock, he was restless on account of slight indigestion, but was relieved by a simple remedy. He did not get up for breakfast on account of loss of sleep, but was uncomplaining. Mrs. Purse was in his room about 11 o’clock and he was cheerful and spoke of getting up. When she returned to his room she found him dead. He died about 11:15. Mr. Purse was a native of Charleston, S.C., and was united in marriage with Miss Mary I Smith about four years ago. About four months ago Mr. and Mrs. Purse came to Graham to make their home. Deceased was about 42 years of age. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Welch, who lives in Charleston, and by four children of a deceased brother. The funeral was conducted from Mr. Smith’s residence Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock by Rev. E.N. Caldwell, assisted by Rev. F.C. Lester, after which the interment was in Linwood Cemetery. Mrs. Purse and the family have the sympathy of their many friends in their sore bereavement. Mr. Purse was a pleasant gentleman and had made many friends during his short stay here. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Knight of Durham and Mr. and Mrs. Will I. Holt of Burlington, brothers-in-law and sisters of Mrs. Purse, and Mr. Klutz of Greensboro, long-time friend of the deceased, were here to attend the funeral.

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