
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Local News From Graham, N.C., July 24, 1919

From the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., July 24, 1919

Local News

A rainbow appeared Tuesday evening which gave hope that there will again be fair weather. All signs fail in dry weather, it is said, How about the signs in wet weather? They fail, too, don’t they? For the past three weeks, almost without interruption, the weather has been “leaking” at the bung.

Mr. Lacy J. Whitesell, son of Mr. Jacob C. Whitesell of Boon Station township, returned last week from overseas service. He belonged to the medical corps.

Mr. Alvis McCauley was carried to Alamance Hospital Monday and operated on for goiter.

Mr. A.G. Ausley has opened a grocery store in the McCracken store building on North Main Street.

Miss Eva Aldridge of Union Ridge was brought to Rainey Hospital the first of the week for an operation for appendicitis.

Mr. C.M. Vanstory of Greensboro, District Supervisor for revaluation of real estate, was here Tuesday in consultation with County Supervisor Mr. Chas. C. Thompson.

Messrs. Parker and Long have completed the remodeling and decorating of the interior of their law offices, which have been very much improved in both appearance and convenience.

Mr. McBride Holt, who has been confined to his home, is improving.

Master Edwin Reaves has been real sick, but is better.

Mr. E.L. Henderson had a relapse but is improving nicely again.

The Graham Boy Scouts are not an idle lot of boys. A few days ago they went out and helped Dr. W.S. Long Jr. thresh his wheat. Then the Doctor carried them to a café and gave them a nice supper. Now they are planning to go on a camping trip to the western part of the State in a week or two. They have already provided themselves with tents for the occasion.

Col. Don E. Scott has begun the foundation and is putting material on the ground for his new residence on North Main Street.

Material is being hauled to build the garage on W. Harden St. for the Alamance Motor Car co.
An addition to be used as a kitchen is being built at the rear of Hotel Graham.

Tuesday Graham Hardware Co. commenced to move into their new quarters—the large store vacated by Green & McClure Furniture Co. The room has been reshelved and arranged for the hardware business and has more than three times the floor space of the store being vacated, which will permit the carrying of a larger stock and make trading easier for both seller and buyer.


Miss Lucile Holmes is attending a house party in Wilmington.

Miss Irma Joyner of Baltimore is visiting Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson.

Misses Frances Moore and Minnie Long are spending the week at Montreat.

Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Moon and family are spending the week at Wrightsville.

Miss Frances Tarpley of Geenville, S.C., spent last week here visiting relatives.

Misses Nina Woods and Nancy Albright of Wilmington are visiting relatives in Graham.

Miss Marce Goley is in Greensboro attending the N.C. College for Women Summer School.

Miss Alma Crawford, who makes her home with Mrs. Dora Ward, is visiting relatives at Windfall, Wake County.

Mr. E.N. Pearce of Youngsville, N.C., just returned from overseas, spent the latter part of last week here with friends.

Mrs. G.W. Kernodle of Washington, D.C., is spending today with Mrs. J.D. Kernodle. She is also visiting her sister, Mrs. McLean, at Whitsett, and relatives in Burlington.

Dr. and Mrs. W.S. Long Jr., Mr. W.J. Nicks, Misses Minnie B. and Annie Ben Long and Messr. Wm. I. Ward, Hansford Simmons, Jas. H. Rich, Mack Rich and Lawrence Gowens returned from Asheville the latter part of last week.

Mrs. Edwin D. Scott and Edwin Jr., and Mrs. Scott’s sister, Mrs. John Black, and little daughter Barbara of New York, arrived here Friday night. Mrs. Scott had been at her home in Augusta, Ga., during the illness and death of her father, Mr. W.R. Brigham. Mrs. Black is on her way from Augusta to her home.


Mr. Walter G. Webster and Miss Bessie Dora Rogers, both of Burlington, were united in marriage last Sunday afternoon, July 20th, at the home of the officiating Justice of the Peace, T.P. Bradshaw, Esq.

Mr. James M. Hopkins and Miss Clara Glosson of Carrboro were united in marriage in the court house Tuesday by Mr. T.B. Bradshaw, Justice of the Peace.

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